Double Skin Modular Air Handling Unit (DM AHU)

The Double Skin Modular Air Handling Unit is designed based on modular paneling concept to fulfill the indoor air quality requirement. The air flow of DM AHU is within range of 195 to 25,000 lps (700 to 90000 CMH) and up to a total static pressure of 2000 pa (8” W.G) for DM1, DM2, DM2TB, and 2500 pa (10” W.G.) for DMA6. AHU model range from 0204 to 2539.

The AHU is constructed of high strength extruded Aluminum to form rigid frame. Besides, it is with thermal barrier feature which using three leg-nylon corner pieces, can be 25/ 50/ 60 mm Polyurethane (PU) insulation panel and all frames are insulated with 3.0 mm PE foam or all frames with thermal break strip to minimize energy heat loss and prevent condensation occurring. The external clip method to hold the double skin PU insulation panel is easily accessible for maintenance while being air tight. The new thermal- break step profile with thermal-break step panel can perform better than the original profile in terms of providing better strength, insulation and energy saving.

Selection software program available for DM AHU, to optimize the best arrangement and performance for either chilled water system or DX system. Standard components can be selected and be placed according to customer requirement. Once the unit is defined, optional item and accessories are identified. The program gives immediate feedback if there is no suitable choice for the units. The user friendly selection program provides fan curves data, coil performance data, dimension, and shipment weight.

Technical Specifications / Documents

(BIM) Engineering Data Links Capacity Air Flow (IU) Max ESP Dimensions (IU) Weight
Outdoor Unit TC SC HC H W D (kg)
(kW) (kW) (kW) (mm) (mm) (mm) OU
AHUR06CAVJ/DAVJ/DABVJ 16.9 11.6 19.2 900 450 930 1150 1550 266
AHUR08CAVJ/DAVJ/DABVJ 23.7 16.3 26.7 1130 450 930 1450 1550 305
AHUR10CAVJ/DAVJ/DABVJ 28.2 19.7 30.8 1300 450 930 1450 1550 312
AHUR16CAVJ/DAVJ/DABVJ 47.5 32.8 53.1 2270 450 1230 1450 1650 395
AHUR20CAVJ/DAVJ/DABVJ 59.0 39.8 61.5 2600 450 1530 1450 1650 455
AHUR32CAVJ/DAVJ/DABVJ 95.1 66.4 101.2 4530 450 1530 1950 1950 635
AHUR40CAVJ/DAVJ/DABVJ 110.2 77.6 118.4 5200 450 1830 1950 2050 841
AHUR48CAVJ/DAVJ/DABVJ 140.2 99.9 153.5 6800 450 1830 2350 2050 1058
AHUR60CAVJ/DAVJ/DABVJ 177.4 118.9 174.4 7800 450 2030 2350 2050 1195
AHUR08CALJ/DALJ/DABLJ 26.6 9.2 174.0 900 450 930 1150 1550 305
AHUR10CALJ/DALJ/DABLJ 30.5 10.5 20.0 1130 450 930 1450 1550 343
AHUR16CALJ/DALJ/DABLJ 52.4 18.2 34.9 1300 450 930 1450 1550 393
AHUR20CALJ/DALJ/DABLJ 69.8 24.3 46.7 2270 450 1230 1230 1650 458
AHUR24CALJ/DALJ/DABLJ 80.1 27.6 52.3 2600 450 1530 1450 1650 561
AHUR32CALJ/DALJ/DABLJ 106.7 36.8 69.7 4530 450 1530 1950 1950 585
AHUR40CALJ/DALJ/DABLJ 142.5 49.2 93.3 5200 450 1830 1950 2050 784
AHUR48CALJ/DALJ/DABLJ 159.7 55.2 104.6 6800 450 1830 2350 2050 830
AHUR60CALJ/DALJ/DABLJ 207.4 72.0 140.0 7800 450 2030 2350 2050 1006

Key Features & Technology

It's the unique features of Daikin products that makes us the world leader.

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Flexible Cabinet Sizing

Variable dimensioning features for flexible cabinet sizing (increment 100mm in height and width)

Casing/Cabinet Construction

External Galvanized and internal painted cabinet

Drain Pan

The deep and sloped drain pan is designed to discharge the condensate water quickly.

Mixing Boxes

There are a few type of arrangement: top, rear and combination of top and rear.

Filter Section

Different filter grade. The DM AHU has been designed to handle primary, secondary & HEPA filtration.

Fan Section

Variable fan selection include forward-curved, backward curved and airfoil, AC/EC plug fan

Ultra Violet Germicidal Irradiation (UVGI)

Air Handling Unit Systems shall include Ultraviolet Emitters for eradicating germs harboring in cooling coils and drain pans. Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation (UVGI) Lamps shall be installed after the cooling coil and before the fan section, which is the dampest area and is most prone to microbial growth.

Energy Recovery

Energy Recovery Section ( Heat Recovery Wheel / Heat Pipe / Plated Heat Exchanger)

Contact a Daikin Sales Engineer

A Daikin Sales Engineer will assess and plan the right air conditioning solution for you, with creativity and sensitivity to the needs of your family or business.