Round Flow Cassette with Streamer (FCTA)

Refrigerant R32

The SkyAir Round Flow Cassette with Streamer utilises 360 degree airflow distribution to ensure even temperatures throughout the space, this provides a comfortable environment for building occupants all year round while also remaining discrete. Additionally, its built-in Streamer technology facilitates powerful oxidative decomposition of pollutants present on the cassette's filter for enhanced indoor air quality.

The Round Flow Cassette with Streamer are paired with our Premium Inverter (RZAV) condensers, offering building owners substantial operating efficiencies to help minimise operating costs. R22 retrofit capability is also available on these condensers allowing for a simplified cost effective replacement solution.

FCTA-A Flyer here

Technical Specifications / Documents

System Name (BIM) Engineering Data Links Capacity Air Flow (IU) Dimensions (IU) Max Pipe Length Level Difference Weight
Indoor Unit Outdoor Unit TC SC HC H W D OU-IU OU-IU (kg)
(kW) (kW) (kW) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (m) IU OU
Premium Cassette R32 Single Phase
FCTA50CA-VCV FCTA50AVMA RZAV50CV1 5.0 5.0 6.0 383 256 840 840 50 30 22 45
FCTA60CA-VCV FCTA60AVMA RZAV60CV1 6.0 5.3 7.1 383 256 840 840 50 30 22 45
FCTA71CA-VCV FCTA71AVMA RZAV71CV1 7.1 5.6 8.0 383 256 840 840 75 30 22 69
FCTA85C-VCV FCTA85AVMA RZAV85CV1 8.5 6.9 10.0 575 298 840 840 75 30 26 78
FCTA100C-VFV FCTA100AVMA RZAV100FV1 10.0 7.8 11.2 575 298 840 840 85 30 26 93
FCTA125C-VFV FCTA125AVMA RZAV125FV1 12.5 9.4 14.0 608 298 840 840 85 30 26 95
FCTA140C-VFV FCTA140AVMA RZAV140FV1 14.0 10.4 16.0 608 298 840 840 85 30 26 95
Premium Cassette R32 Three Phase
FCTA71CA-VCY FCTA71AVMA RZAV71CY1 7.1 5.6 8.0 383 298 840 840 75 30 22 69
FCTA85C-VCY FCTA85AVMA RZAV85CY1 8.5 6.9 10.0 575 298 840 840 75 30 26 78
FCTA100C-VFY FCTA100AVMA RZAV100FY1 10.0 7.8 11.2 575 298 840 840 85 30 26 93
FCTA125C-VFY FCTA125AVMA RZAV125FY1 12.0 9.4 14.0 608 298 840 840 85 30 26 95
FCTA140C-VFY FCTA140AVMA RZAV140FY1 14.0 10.4 16.0 608 298 840 840 85 30 26 95

To access these Revit files please click the corresponding model no. to be taken to a google drive folder where you will need to download the relevant files to your desktop.

Key Features & Technology

It's the unique features of Daikin products that makes us the world leader.

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Streamer Technology

Introducing Streamer Technology to SkyAir Indoor Units. Daikin Streamer Technology enhances maximum efficiency in cleaning, which uses powerful decomposition properties to decompose substances captured by filter for better air quality.

360° Airflow

Uniform temperature distribution throughout the space with selectable range of total of 18 airflow patterns. Dual sensors and individual airflow direction control automatically provides optimal control of airflow.

Presence & Floor Temperature Sensor (Optional)*

The sensors ensure comfortable room environment and reduce energy consumption. (*Sensors are only included with BYCQ125EEF(K) Facias.)

Individual Airflow Direction Control

Airflow direction can be individually adjusted for each sir discharge outlet to deliver optimal air distribution.

Wide Discharge Flaps

New wider discharge flaps at 75mm provides improved airflow direction control and longer air throws.

New Auto Swing Control

This features two narrower swing ranger with a six step sequence. This increases the concentration of the discharge air in to the segmented space providing rapid cooling/heating of the space and improved temperature distribution.

Streamer filter clean unit is built-in inside the indoor unit

Remarks: The Streamer function operates only when the fan and air conditioning operation are stopped. The maximum operation time of Streamer is 180minutes per day.

Streamer Technology - The Three C's

1. Clash

Decomposes harmful substances trapped by the High Efficiency Particulate Filter.

2. Cycle

Maintains the deodorising filter's deodorising capacity by assisting odour decomposition.

3. Clean

Removes bacteria from all filters allowing them to be maintenance free and increasing filter longevity.

The secret to high performance air purification is Daikin's Streamer Technology. This innovative technology features a high-power plasma discharge that generates high-speed electrons to decompose harmful substances. This powerful oxidative decomposition process continuously removes odours, bacteria and indoor air pollutants, such as formaldehyde, for superior air purification.

Streamer emits high-speed electrons.

The electrons collide and combine with nitrogen and oxygen in the air to form four kinds of elements with powerful oxidative decomposition capabilities.

These elements break down unwanted substances.

How effective is Daikin Streamer Technology?

Eliminates Pollen

More than 99.6%1 in 2 hours

Eliminates Mould

More than 99.9%2 in 24 hours

Eliminates Allergens

More than 99.61%1 in 24 hours

  1. Verified at Wakayama Medical University with the following test condition: Irradiated allergens with Streamer & checked decomposition of allergen proteins by either the ELISA method, electrophoresis or electron microscopy.

  2. Verified at Japan Food Research Laboratories using antibacterial test/mould elimination test (test number: 204041635-001).

Selectable Airflow Pattern

There are a total of 18 flow patterns.

All-Round Flow

(E.g., installed in the middle of a ceiling)

4-Way Flow also possible.

3-Way Flow

L-Shaped 2-Way Flow

Opposite 2-Way Flow


Wireless Remote Controller

Note: A signal receiver must be added to the indoor unit.

Stylish Controller

Only the remote controllers BRC1H62W(K) can be connected for ON / OFF operation of the Streamer.

Contact a Daikin Sales Engineer

A Daikin Sales Engineer will assess and plan the right air conditioning solution for you, with creativity and sensitivity to the needs of your family or business.